Bill Huff writes on Lew Rockwell's blog:
The rest of the world is watching our financial debacle right now – and someone is learning from it you can be sure. Do you think the Russians and the Chinese are completely ignorant regarding how the US is ignoring its own principles, laws, and Constitution in a Naked attempt to consolidate a Global Fascist Hegemony? They can read our Constitution; compare it to our behavior, and realize the world can only become less safe and less secure if we continue to abandon our first principles. No clairvoyance is required to recognize the fact that someone must do something – sooner or later – to curb the trend toward global domination.
Let there be no mistake, our Globalist efforts, whether through war or Global Socialism, are endeavors of world domination. One does it through force and the other through the dependency of entitlements. They both manipulate their audience through false pretense. The war mongers use fear and the Socialist hide behind the guise of good will and brotherly love.
As Huff points out, even though the American people are sleep walking, other countries are awake to what is happening. I guess it is easier to see from the outside. Will the United States succeed in World Domination where others have failed? I think not. The question is who will stop it, those within, or those outside? For the sake of liberty it must be done within. Our job is to wake up and then shake others out of their sleep walking torpor.
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