Monday, September 8, 2008

Daily Paul - A Ron Paul Republican No More!

Today, on the Daily Paul forum there was an article titled "A Ron Paul Republican No More!" It's not what it sounds like. The "No More" in the title refers to being a Republican. The author, Michael Nystrom, explains his disgust with the Republican Party. He decided to abandon the Republican Party as a future means to promote Dr. Paul's message of liberty.

I'm writing about Mr. Nystrom's article because it relates to yesterday's entry, "Liberty - A Philosophical Argument". Mr. Nystrom explains how his involvement in the Ron Paul campaign gave him an appreciation for liberty. He writes, "One of the most important things I've taken away from the last 18 months is (surprised?) personal freedom and liberty. Without understanding the nature of personal freedom and liberty, we cannot ever hope to build a free nation."

Although he decided to abandon the Republican Party, he wanted the reader to know that this was his choice and he did not pretend to know the best methods for other Ron Paul supporters. He writes, "Like Dr. Paul, I don't want to control your life, or coerce you into thinking that I know what the best path is for you. There is only one person who knows that, and that is you".

It is clear to me that Mr. Nystrom understands the benefits of liberty. For the full article go here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Keep up the good work.