Sunday, November 16, 2008

Something to Hope For

Instead of attacking Obama and his supporters, Ron Paul congratulates the President elect using Obama's own message of hope as a challenge. He challenges the new administration with something concrete to hope for:
  • Hope for less divisiveness through recognizing individual achievement over group-think and identity politics
  • Hope for free markets without Government intervention
  • Hope for prosperity through American productivity without Government controls, regulations, and corporate cronyism
  • Hope for sound money
  • Hope for peace and diplomacy
  • Hope for national sovereignty
  • Hope for a nonintervention foreign policy
These are the standards that "we the people" should use to judge the new administration. If we can keep these points of "hope" in front of the public view and measure Obama's progress against these, we have a mechanism to help others see the false hope they succumbed to.

Dollar Standard Coming to an End

Ron Paul talks about what he thinks will be discussed during the Global Economic Summit that is occurring this weekend. He thinks they will discuss the internationalization of a central bank combined with a new monetary system to replace the failing dollar standard.